Daily Archives: July 1, 2012

“Real Hoes(Mistresses) of Atlanta”

So I came across this little video the other day while surfing the internet and i was utterly shocked, appalled, disgusted, mortified, horrified, and honestly pissed the F**K off.  I am sick and tired of these reality shows giving these hoes their shot at fame for doing absolutely nothing but taking dick and swallowing kids. These hoes, I can’t call them women because I must address them properly, are portraying a horrible image of themselves to the world. regardless of these activities take place behind close doors which we all know they do, that is between the parties involved and not for the world to know. These women and a “Gay” dude apparently are airing dirty laundry like it’s a CNN news report just for their shot at their 15mins of fame. To me this is just reprehensible but knowing the American public this show will undoubtedly become a hit if it ever get’s aired. I have a blog on reality TV show’s dropping today’ on my youtube channel www.youtube.com/mytruespeech