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“3 Things I Learned today”

So I try to make it a point to learn as much as can everyday that I am alive, because I feel that learning & Curiosity are tools to expanding the human mind. So today here are 3 quick things that I have learned before 1:30pm.

Things I’ve Learned Today:

1. a 16yr old tried to car jack someone today, fired shots at the car and hit a 6yr old that was in the back seat.

2. Pink Slime which is a concoction of discarded meat and ammonia hydroxide is used in the VAST majority of processed beef(fast food & restaurants) in this country…EWWWWW

3. Processed Chickens in this country are treated in a bath of water and CHLORINE to chill and treat them before they are packaged and shipped and to mask the taste of chlorine they inject the chickens with salt water…UGGHHHH

Needless to say these things were shocking and I learned them all before 1:30 pm.  The More you know.