Blog Archives


Hello Everyone,


I know for the past few weeks I have not been able to post any new blog or vlog material and for that I apologize. I have however been EXTREMELY busy writing and recording an all new Joint albumĀ  with my producer @313Phresh, who is also the man behind the visual imagery of the TrueSpeech VLOG series. Writing and recording an album is a very in depth process and it requires full attention to detail in order to create the best music possible which translates to quite a few long nights and 5am-6am studio sessions. However with this album I truly feel that this is some of the most creative, original, and hard hitting music to come out of Detroit in a very long. 313 Phresh and I have truly put a lot into this project & we are hopeful that it will be well received by all who are able to hear it. Very soon we will put the finishing touches on the music aspect of the album and we will in the near future begin promotions for the project. Please visit to get updated first regarding any and all news about Music, Performances, Appearances, and FGE Apparel.


Be sure to also check outĀ AND SUBSCRIBE to the youtube channel where I WILL BE POSTING new VLOGS very soon. I Thank you all for your support and I promise you big things are soon coming. In the meantime be sure to stay updated HERE at for the latest blog news. Once again thanks for the support and I am anxious to make 2013 a truly amazing year……….#TRUESPEECH

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! & A 2012 @FamilyGrind Recap from @mytruespeech & @313Phresh

family grind

We would like to thank you for your support this past year and invite you to stay tuned for big things in 2013 coming from the FGE camp. In the meantime, peep the little message from 313phresh & TrueSpeech and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Family Grind: