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“Woman Squeezes Testicles out of Scrotum”

On Tuesday June 6th, a Woman by the name of Joyce Maxine Gregory attacked her unarmed 59 year old boyfriend after some sort of dispute between the couple. It has been reported that on Sunday the couple had a disagreement and she grabbed her boyfriend scrotum in a “Vice-Like” and began to squeeze testicles. The man then tried to jerk himself away from Joyce’s grip, but when he jerked his body away he supposedly “INJURED HIMSELF”…meaning when he jumped back his nuts came out of his sack. This is truly a story where I cannot even begin to comprehend or understand how painful this mist have been for this man. As a fellow man I simply cannot understand what it must feel to literally have you nuts ripped out from your sack. I truly and honestly feel sorry for this guy and I hope this woman get’s some serious jail time. ………#SHOCKED!!!