Blog Archives

Women’s Rights, Racism, Marriage, Politics, Surrogate’s #CocktailsAndConvo

So the lovely ladies of cocktails and Conversations asked me to drop by for their Wednesday nightcap show. During the show we discussed quite a few hard hitting topics ranging from women using surrogate mothers, Racism, the upcoming presidential election women’s rights and a host of other topics that truly lead to some in depth conversation. Below is the podcast link where you can listen to the show and download the episode.
You can also follow Erika & Robyn on twitter @CocktailsAndConvo and on facebook: and tune it to the show at

Wednesday Night Recap Show:–the-nightcap-edition

“Bitch Bad” – Lupe Fiasco New Music Video

Below is a link to the new Lupe Fiasco Music Video for his controversial new single “Bitch Bad” the video and the song are truly a deep intellectual look at the way society and the music industry has chosen to glamorize.

Dating and Relationships…The TrueSpeech Perspective

This week Jr The BossMan asked me to come on his show and give my take on Dating and Relationships, and some of the problems and issues that I see coming from both men and women(MAINLY WOMEN) today and how it has ruined the dating game. The first show was so Successful that he asked me to come on for part 2 to finish breaking down the game. Below are the links to The BossMan Podcast where you can listen to Part 1 and Part 2 of the show so you can get some game and knowledge about the Dating World of today.

A Conversation with TrueSpeech Part 1:

A Conversation with TrueSpeech Part 2:

“What Would you Do?”- New #TrueSpeech VLOG

New #TrueSpeech VLOG “What would you do?”. I was in situation a few weeks ago that was kinda wild so I hit the streets and asked the people one simple question…If this happened to you…What would you do?


“Police Arrest a 6-year old Girl”

This was an email I received from Change.Org in regards to the arresting of a 6-Year old who had a temper tantrum in class. This story is Truly unreal and you have got to read this email. This story is truly unreal and to be honest I really don’t have to many words for this nonsense. What kind of world do we live in where a baby can get arrested for simply acting out as a child would do. Please read the story and if you are sympathetic sign then feel free to visit and sign the petition.

“Darrion –

Salecia Johnson is six years old. On April 13, her teachers say she had a temper tantrum in class — but instead of putting her in time-out, the school called the police.

Salecia was handcuffed, charged with battery, and kept in police custody for an hour before her parents found out what was going on. Though all charges have been dropped, Salecia — a 6-year-old —  now has an arrest record.

Salecia’s mom, Constance, says that “Salecia has been traumatized by this experience. She’s afraid to return to school and recently woke up in the middle of the night saying ‘they are coming to get me.‘” Constance wants to make sure that this incident won’t affect Salecia’s future, and she wants answers about why police officers were involved in the first place.

So Constance started a petition on demanding that Salecia’s arrest be removed from her record and that Creekside Elementary pledge to stop involving police in school discipline.

Click here to add your name.

Constance believes that what happened to Salecia is part of a larger problem. Schools across America are adopting “zero-tolerance” policies that are making police involvement in school disciplinary matters more and more common, according to the Advancement Project, a group working with Constance’s family.

If thousands of people sign Constance’s petition, the police and the officials at Creekside Elementary will see that they can’t arrest and handcuff a six-year-old girl without facing public consequences. Schools around the country will take notice — and Constance hopes there won’t be another child that faces what Salecia did.

Click here to sign Constance’s petition demanding that Salecia’s arrest be removed from her record and that Creekside Elementary pledge to stop involving police in school discipline.

Thanks for being a change-maker,

– William and the team”